How to Become a Microsoft Certified Professional

Shamim Ahammed
3 min readMar 3, 2023


Microsoft Corporation is no stranger to the average digital native. The company was founded in 1975 to develop microprocessors and software for early versions of personal computers.

Since then, the company has exploded and expanded into a variety of other fast-growing technology areas, including cloud computing, artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, and data science.

As Microsoft expands into these new areas, as the world continues to adopt innovative technologies at a rapid rate, Microsoft has introduced a number of certification opportunities for professionals interested in improving their technical skills. .

With that in mind, how do you become a Microsoft Certified Professional? What are the benefits of certification for the average employee? And what types of certifications does the company offer today? is it?

Take a look below to explore these questions.

Microsoft certified professionals

First, let’s define what these certified professionals are. Similar to project managers seeking certification from accreditation bodies such as the Project Management Institute (PMI), Microsoft Certified Professionals receive certification as a result of an assessment. B. Testing.

Earning a specific certification indicates that the accredited professional has experience working with a particular software stack or solution. For example, an employee with a Data Engineer certification from Microsoft is well-equipped to design, implement, and manage an entire stack of data services.

These types of roles are very technical and require logical thinking. At its core, a Microsoft Certified Professional is someone who has developed expertise in often technical skills by completing training on a particular system.

How to obtain certification

Before deciding which certification is right for you, it’s important to understand what you want to achieve, your interests, and your specific skill requirements.

Balancing these factors often increases your chances of getting the most out of your certification. After all, you are investing valuable resources in getting certified.

Once you have decided on your dream job, you can approach your options with confidence. As previously mentioned, Microsoft offers certifications for a variety of technical job profiles. To obtain one of these certificates, you must complete training through one of the available channels. These consist of online courses or live instructor-led training.

A hybrid channel with accelerated bootcamp training is also available for those looking to better prepare for the exam. Microsoft recommends understanding the skills being measured, self-paced content, completing practice exams, and reviewing certification documentation as the best way to prepare for the exam. When you are ready, you can register for the exam and receive your certificate upon passing.

The benefits of obtaining certification

The first and most obvious reason employees seek certification in professional roles is to improve their employability and career prospects. The same is true for those aiming for a Microsoft Professional Certificate.

Possessing a certificate that proves one’s technical proficiency is especially useful in today’s times when technical roles are in high demand among the workforce. Evaluate your skills higher to prove that you have passed an evaluation such as.

Like many scarce technical skills that are in high demand, they often bring higher salaries. It is important to note that This is another advantage. If you enjoy solving problems and are passionate about it, you can also benefit from a certificate. It is important to understand that the benefits of a certificate are often subjective and depend on the perception of the person pursuing it.

Types of available certification

The types of professional certifications offered by Microsoft vary in type and complexity. The company offers three comprehensive authentication types, including basic authentication. These are considered the most basic and are recommended for those pursuing a career in technology.

There are also role-based certifications that are a little more advanced and allow individuals to specialize in specific job functions. Many of them have associate status one level higher than the basic certificate.

Additional certifications are also available, including certified educators and other technical certifications. These have professional status and seem the most complicated of all the certificates available.

Final thoughts

For a technology company with decades of history of constant innovation, it’s no surprise that many companies value Microsoft certifications. Empower your employees and improve their career prospects while giving your company a competitive advantage in multiple industries.

Acquiring certification is facilitated through various training paths. This is also important because different people have different learning preferences. It’s great that Microsoft is able to meet people’s diverse needs.

Qualification level is also an important factor. The type of qualification is also important, as some roles may require more technically skilled personnel than others.



Shamim Ahammed

Forty percents marketers+Forty percents designer+Twenty percent's writer= dudes; It’s me😎